Thursday, November 24, 2011


I have so many people to thank. I feel like I'm at the Oscars or something.

1. Oh my god. So many things. Thank you for being you. Thank you for putting up with me. Thank you for caring about me enough to initiate change in me. Endless appreciation and love. Being infinite is the highlight of my life.
2. See above. Also, hot twinkies are the Thanksgiving feasts of champions.
3. Thank you for helping me get over myself. You were so fantastic dealing with me and my constant affection. You are a fantastic human being. Keep being that way.
4. Thanks for being my first kiss. It was fantastic.
5. Thank you for dealing with me and my constant complaining. You are basically the best person ever, and you never needed to stress over college. You keep on being fucking amazing.
6. Thanks for dealing with me and my swearing and being stupid. Now go play with your sonic screwdriver. Dumb face.
7. You are so fucking strong. You are an amazing artist, an amazing human being, and the epitome of absolute perfection. You have overcome so much this past summer, and I love you endlessly. We need to get coffee again!
8. Thanks for being a bro in Ceramics. The rides home are always appreciated greatly. Feel better, and remember: WE GOTTA HORSE RIGHT HERE, HIS NAME IS HARRY. lolol
9. You have overcome a lot too! Especially since right after last Thanksgiving. You are amazing and you continue to stun me with your strength and constant kindness in the face of adversity. I love you so much. We need to hang out soon.
10. Although we don't talk anymore (for reasons unknown to me), I want to thank you for helping me learn that people who don't like me are fucking stupid. I don't really care you don't talk to me anymore because I know it is you who is losing out.
11. That night was fucking amazing. I have never felt more like a normal guy then when I was dancing with you. We need to hang out before you leave, I miss you greatly.
12. Thank you for always encouraging me whether you are telling me I am a great writer, or that I am a fantastic person. I was so happy to burn that CD for you. If you ever need anything, just ask!
13. While we are separated by many miles and some stupid thing called the Atlantic Ocean, we still keep in contact. We both bonded a lot last year, and I am still thankful that I met you last year. You cheer me up regardless of what is going on and I love and miss you.
14. Thank you for putting up with me. We have extremely similar musical tastes. You are fantastic, and you need to know that. I love you, you'll get into Belmont, I know it!
15. Thanks for being there for me, even though you don't know you do.
16. You are a fantastic and beautiful human being. Thank you for listening to me and my problems and helping me out. I love you.

To all others: I love you all. Thank you so much for helping me feel the best I have felt in my entire life. Keep on doing what you're doing. If you ever need anything, just contact me. You are all fantastic!


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